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Всем при­вет — решил я сего­дня поте­сти­ро­вать LORA Pixel Art XL — pixel-art-xl-v1.1.safetensors с помо­щью кото­рой вы може­те сде­лать кар­тин­ки в сти­ле Пик­сель АРТ. Ниже выкла­ды­ваю что полу­ча­ет­ся — cле­ва без исполь­зо­ва­ния LORA, спра­ва с LORA. SID не менял.

Pixel art of a woods landscape in the middle of the night, mistic, full moon, moonlight 
Pixel art night lake in the forest, full moon in the sky, stars and moon reflected in the lake 
Pixel art screenshot of the corridor first-person shooter, corridor, door, computers 
Pixel art city street 
Pixel art view from a car driving through the metropolis 
Pixel art Japanese garden 
Pixel art the space base from the Wing commander game, the pilots receive a task at the briefing 
Pixel art the space base from the Wing commander game, the pilots receive a task at the briefing, the commander with a pointer stands at the board with a star map and shows the task 

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